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How To Bring Back The Wi-Fi And Mobile Data Toggles On Android 12

Always some new changes with the update of the new version of the operating system. Many changes have also taken place in the case of the new version 12 of Android. Android 12 brings a new change to the Internet menu.

Many users are not accepting this change well. According to them, this update seems to be more complicated than before. So many have reported returning to the previous menu.

However, let’s get to the real thing, there’s nothing to fear if you want to go back to the previous menu feature. Because it is possible to bring back the previous toggles.

What is the update to the Internet menu on Android 12?

We are always used to using wifi and mobile data menus separately. But in the new update, WiFi and mobile data menus have been merged, where these two features have gone in one place. Google has researched this feature, saying that this new feature is a “pain point”.

How to bring back the old Wi-Fi toggle in Android 12?

The company has already explained this update in a blog post. They explained the reason behind the new feature update. However, they acknowledged that some have reported networking features. Some users have gradually adjusted it. But, it’s true that not everyone will like any feature.

Mainly Mishaal Rahman is the first to talk about solving this problem. He made a post on his Twitter and showed a simple solution.

Yes, you can bring back the action toggle in just a few steps. If you have directly updated your phone from 11 to 12, you can restore two toggles via backup. And if this is not the case then Mishaal Rahman has to use the solution given by the ADB string.

You can do this process very easily. There is no need to root the phone to do this. Moreover, no developer will be needed, just follow our steps. But you must have a computer.

– Plug the phone into the PC

– Open the compound box from the operating system

– Now look at the compound line below

adb shell settings put secure sysui_qs_tiles “wifi,cell,$(settings get secure sysui_qs_tiles)

– Now type this command line in the editor or copy and paste it

– Now press Enter

– If all goes well, Toggle Two will get back after waiting some time.

The company has been facing criticism since the Android feature was updated. But users are happy with the recent AMD solution. But it is also true that many people are no longer bothered to use the update feature of the Internet Bottom.

However, if you do not like this feature, you can use the AMD comment line to bring back the previous feature. However, if you have no problem using the update feature, stay updated.

Because technology update is a common process. This will be constantly updated. However, any new feature may seem a bit of a hassle at first but after a few days of use it becomes easy for everyone.

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