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Apple Has Said Many Apps Are Being Removed From App Store

One of the common problems Apple developers hear is that many of their Many apps are being removed from the App Store. Many developers have tweeted that many of their apps are being removed from the AppleStore.

Apple says all of the game has been running for two years but has not received any updates, apps are being removed from the AppleStore. Those apps that have not yet been removed will be removed soon unless an update is included.

Apple’s initiative is part of the App Store improvement project, which will make it easier for users to use the app and use online shops. Its main goal is to ensure that apps and games are compatible with new iOS devices.

However, some other factors confirm that these rules will not affect downloaded apps. These will only work for the AppStore. However, in my opinion, many apps are being removed from App Store were very effective for a long time. Because apps that do not add an update for a long time are often questioned.

So from time to time, these apps create different kinds of confusion between users and Apple authorities. Because when there are small or big updates to the operating system, there are often some bugs in the compatibility of the operating system with the app.

Many Apps Are Being Removed From Appstore

However, one developer tweeted about Apple’s decision, saying that the AppStore still had games with consoles. Apple then made it clear that the rule would apply not only to the game, but to the entire app, but their process was not yet complete.

After the completion of their work, if any of the developers have problems, Apple will contact them directly. Users have praised Apple’s excellent decision to find apps compatible with their new device in the App Store and make sure the apps are up to date.

So I think developers should make this decision in a positive way by adding updates to their apps to get them ready for sale in the Play Store.

Bill Thamas
Bill Thamas is a gaming freak. He is always into different kinds of games. He started his career as a tier 1 PUBG player and won many competitive tournaments. It has been a while since he started writing gaming-related content for Techalrm. His interests in different kinds of games keep him always aware of the updated and upcoming games. As a member of the gamer’s community, he gets the review and bug updates regularly. However, he is a game reviewer himself.

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