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What Is Web Hosting And How Does It Work?

Do you know what is web hosting? Don’t worry, you will. Currently, there are plenty of websites in the internet world. If we search on Google, how many websites are there in the world? then Google answers that 1.7 billion websites are currently running. And Google further claims that its number will be 4.5 billion. Because many websites disappear or perish every day.

The main reason for explaining this history is to highlight the importance of domain and hosting. Yes, domain and hosting are required for each of these websites to appear on the internet. And the main reason why websites disappear from the Internet is that domains and hosting have expired.

However, in this article, we will discuss web hosting. In particular, we will discuss in detail- what is web hosting and how does it work. So if you are interested in learning more about web hosting, join the discussion with me. I promise you will benefit a lot.

What Is Web Hosting?

Hosting is needed to ensure the online presence of a website and to keep its data such as code, text, images, videos, etc in a safe place. So, I hope you understand that hosting is the memory of a website.

We can also call it digital memory because having a hosting system allows us to consistently access content on the web. Domains and hosting play the most important role in making a big company look smaller to the customer.

In addition to storing hosting data on the Internet, it has also made website management much easier. Hosting can be done in a variety of ways, including individually, but now everyone buys and uses cloud-based third parties.

Read More: 10 Best Web Hostings For Beginners 

How Do I Get Started With A Website?

To make a website appear online, there are a few steps to follow. Hosting is one of these steps. Although there are many steps, we have limited them to three steps. Below are the steps to make a website appear online.

1. Register Domain
2. Nameservers (DNS)
3. Web hosting

After developing a website, by following these three steps we will be able to launch any website online. But nowadays many developers buy domains and hosting before developing a website. Then do the development and quality check using domain and hosting at the same time.

However, now let’s see how these three steps present a website online.

1. Register Domain

I have already mentioned domains several times when talking about hosting. So hopefully you have already guessed the importance of this. Yeah, domain and hosting both are very important.

The domain is the name or address we use to access a website. These include www.facebook.com, www.wikipedia.com, www.google.com. If there was no domain system, everyone would have to access the websites with an IP address. Do you know the IP address?  If you don’t know, there is no problem. Because users do not need to know the IP address.

If we look at the IP addresses of the domains above, then you can understand. Given below


So hopefully you understand that IP addresses are used to make the domain name user-friendly. There are many domain providers for buying domains, from where you can buy. The domain name must be unique. Users will find your website on the Internet using this unique domain name.

Nameservers (DNS)

The nameserver acts as a kind of medium. It is also called a DNS server. It stores all records for the domain and helps visitors reach the correct IP. In most cases, domain providers combine a domain and a nameserver cell. However, you can choose your own DNS server yourself, no worries.

Web Hosting

After purchasing a domain for your website identity you need to buy hosting. This is because hosting is required to store the code and necessary data of the website together.

When we normally visit a website, we see designs, texts, images, videos, they are stored in a hosting. And the domain is the address of that hosting.

Now there are many hosting providers, so no one will have any problem with buying hosting. But the price of the same space of hosting can be more or less depending on the quality.

Read More:  Top 11 Web Hosting Services

How Does Web Hosting Work?

We already know what web hosting does. But now we will discuss how web hosting works. Web hosting is capable of delivering more data than normal data storage and it works with a lot of security.

Hosting stores data on their hardware, allowing users to easily access it. Without proper hosting and proper maintenance, the process of a website cannot run smoothly. As a result, the owner of the website will fail to meet his target.

We can divide the hosting service into two types, one is self-hosting and the other is third-party hosting. I am discussing both below.

Self Hosting:

Did you know that you can create a hosting server with your used PC? Yes, you can build your own web server. However, in this case, the amount of security and cost will be higher.

This is why almost everyone buys hosting from third parties. You can understand these things only if you think a little deeper. It is not possible for an ordinary person to give the security of his own hosting in any way. And if you want to complete the high-level security, then a lot of money will be spent.

Third-Party Web Hosting Services:

If you buy hosting from a good hosting provider, you don’t have to worry about it. Providers will give you all the security and they will solve all the problems related to the server. Third-party providers offer their services in a number of ways, let’s take a look.

✓ Cloud Hosting
✓ Shared Hosting
✓ Dedicated Hosting
✓ Virtual private servers(VPS)
✓ Managed Hosting

Which Are The Best Web Hosting Providers?

There are many hosting providers in the market now. You can search by typing hosting provider in Google. However, below are the names of the top 10 hosting providers, from which you can buy domains and hosting.

1. Hostinger
2. NameCheap
3. Bluehost
4. Nexcess
5. DreamHost
6. WP Engine
7. HostGator
8. InMotion
9. Hostwinds
10. GreenGeeks

Final  Words

Internet use has grown exponentially over the last few years. Because the internet has made many complex tasks much easier for people. So the use of the internet has become like any other necessary activity.

Now on the internet, people use websites for their business, their skills, organization, and much more. Every day many new websites are released on the internet. That’s why almost everyone is interested to know about domain hosting.

So today I have described the details of what is web hosting and how does it work for you. If anyone reads this article carefully, you will get a basic idea about domain and hosting.

Tom Bedfard
Tom Bedfard has been showing her expertise in the smartphone area for a decade. In one sentence, she loves smartphones and other smart gadgets. However, Tom is the leader of Techalrm’s review team. Not a single new device can escape her eyes. Well, our every review unit phone or gadget goes to her hands first. Our audiences love her works. Her honest and detailed review contents make her one of the best smartphone reviewers.

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