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Best Free Driving Apps On Android And iPhone

The touches of the information technology revolution are now everywhere. As a  result, our daily life has become easier.

When we drive, our lives are at great risk, there is no guarantee of what will happen. But did you know that? The right application can help you to reduce your driving risk a lot.

Yeah, the right app that will reduce your driving risk and give you a lot of relaxation. You may think that using a phone while driving is riskier,

Then you will be surprised to know that these apps will run through your voice command. These apps will give you more information about your current location, your direction, parking area, speed limit by location, and more, which will make your driving easier.

Below is a list of apps that will make your driving easier:

  • Google Map
  • Waze
  • Drive Mode
  • Here WeGo
  • Osmand
  • Automate
  • Just Park
  • TomTom Go Navigation
  • Google Assistant
  • Spotify

There are many driving-related applications, the best of them are named above. If you want to know which of these is perfect for you, you need to know the description. So below I am describing them, reading them, and choosing your needs.

Google Map

Google Maps is a wonderful and effective app for deriving support. It can also be used for free and offline. More than two hundred countries are mapped three and lots of places are on the map.

The app will keep you informed about real-time traffic conditions, transit information, restaurants, petrol pumps, and many other places along with their location, street view, and indoor imagery that may be needed at that moment.


Waze is one of the most important apps for driving because this app knows what’s happening on the street and will let you know. You can use other apps by keeping these apps running.

In this app, you can easily find out all the facts in real-time related to traffic, road accidents, where the road is blocked by the police, you don’t have to get stuck in any traffic jam on any road.

Drive mode

The biggest problem is when the phone rings while driving and talking on the phone while driving is also a risk to life. It’s also a legally punishable crime.

Drivemode application will solve this problem for you. You can easily manage your calls and messages using it. This will work perfectly with your voice commands.

Here WeGo

I hope one of the best offline applications is Here WeGo. You can do all the work you need with this app. It’s available in most countries and provides good service.

Get all traffic updates correctly. You can definitely download and use it because its user interface is very user-friendly.


Osmand can be used both online and offline. Using this app you can make your driving more than safe. This is especially important for travel, new roads can be included if not on the map while traveling.

The main features of this app are map view, GPS Navigation, Route Planning and Recording, OpenStreetMap.

Root planning and recording planning are the two special features of this app, which have made this app a favorite among users in a different way.


AutoMate has the same features as other apps for driving. AutoMate will give you accurate information from time to time. It can be controlled through voice commands.

Phone calls and messages can also be sent through voice commands, I hope you will benefit a lot from this feature. Moreover, you will easily get all the information related to traffic.

Just Park

When you go to an unfamiliar place, if you have a problem with the parking area then the Just Park application solves it quickly.

This will help you find the best parking areas for your location. It’s a free app and is available for Android and iPhone.

TomTom Go Navigation

TomTom Go is the most important application for safe driving. It provides traffic information with life. It can also be controlled by voice commands. If the road is not on the map during long-distance or international travel, then this road map can be added easily.

It’s capable of sending warning messages to you through a mobile fixed speed camera, which will make your driving more than safe.

Google Assistant

One of the most used and needed apps is Google Assistant. If you have an assistant, do your job as you say, Google Assistant will do all the work for your phone in the same way as you say.

Although this app doesn’t have features like other driving apps, its app will help you the most while driving.

To work completely hands-free, you can do this such as manage calls, manage messages or emails, net browsing, playing songs, playing videos, and so on everything according to your voice.


We all like to listen to music while driving. But everyone suffers from the problem of listening to music-like minds.

Spotify will help you a lot in this case. There are millions of songs and podcasts,  their quality is 100% premium.

If you arrange your own playlist here, then one by one your favorite songs will continue to play. It will keep your mind fresh.

Read more : Best 20 Photo Editing Apps Used Worldwide On Android


The best invention of technology is the smartphone. It has made our lives a lot easier. Thousands of applications on smartphones solve thousands of our problems.

Life is very risky while driving so be careful about driving. In this case, driving related mobile apps can help you a lot. However, there are many types of driving apps on the market, so you may have difficulty understanding which app might be best for you.

So above I have described some of the best driving apps. If you read the description, you can easily understand what works and what is perfect for you. So read the above description and reduce the risk by using the ones you need

Bill Thamas
Bill Thamas is a gaming freak. He is always into different kinds of games. He started his career as a tier 1 PUBG player and won many competitive tournaments. It has been a while since he started writing gaming-related content for Techalrm. His interests in different kinds of games keep him always aware of the updated and upcoming games. As a member of the gamer’s community, he gets the review and bug updates regularly. However, he is a game reviewer himself.

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