Dota 2 download stuck at 100% – Solved!

Dota 2 download stuck at 100% – Solved!

Playing the Dota 2 game is always lots of fun. But this fun becomes a punishment when we have to face any difficulty while downloading or installing the game. Many people face a common problem, which is that Dota 2 download is stuck at 100%.

Actually, this problem may have several reasons like your HDD being out of storage, poor internet connection, game files blocked by the security system, etc. One reason is enough to stop game downloading.

And that’s why people can’t find the solution to this problem. Have you ever had to face this kind of problem? No need to worry anymore. In this article, you are going to know about why you are facing problems while downloading Dota 2 and how to solve that problem.

Why is Dota 2 download stuck at 100?

Dota 2 download is stuck at 100%, there are several reasons behind it. Let’s check out one by one why this problem occurs.

Out of storage.

While downloading the game, your HDD is out of storage, which means there is no free space on your hard disk drive to install the game. That could be a reason why the game is stuck at 100% download.

Blocked by the Security system.

A massive probability is that maybe the game file is recognized as a threat by your security system. And that is why it interrupts the game to download.

Cache memory full

Cache memory plays an important role for our computers. It is nearest to the processor and collects important information so that a processor can easily access it. If your cache memory is full, then it will prevent the game from being downloaded.

Poor internet connection

For gaming, you just need a reliable internet connection. If you do not have a good internet connection then it is obvious that you are going to face several issues like download error,  frame drops, high ping, and etc.

Solutions for Dota 2 download stuck at 100%:

Steam downloads may stop at a hundred percent for unknown reasons. Before trying the advanced methods,  try some simple steps below:

  • Pause and then resume the download
  • Restart Steam
  • Restart computer
  • Restart modem & routers

If these simple steps can’t solve your problem then let’s move to further methods:

Change the game downloading region

For better gaming performance Steam client detects your region and connects to a nearby server automatically. But it is not necessary that you will always get the best performance from that server.

If your Dota 2 game is stuck at 100% downloading, then it might be for the server you are connected to. However, you can also choose a server manually. Let’s have a look at how to change the download region manually.

  • Go to the Steam launcher
  • Go to setting
  • Click on Downloads.
  • Select a Download region.

If the download is stuck because of the download region, then by changing the download region you will get the solution.

Clear Cache files

Let’s have a look at how to clear the cache files from the Steam launcher.

  • Go to the Steam launcher.
  • Go to Settings.
  • Click on Downloads.
  • Click on the CLEAR DOWNLOAD CACHE.

It will clear all download cache files from Steam. If the download is stuck because of the cache files, then by deleting the download cache files you will get the solution.

Uninstall and Reinstall Steam

Sometimes for an unknown reason, some software behaves so strangely. If the above solutions can not help you to solve your problem then uninstall Steam. After that, reinstall it. Maybe there was a mistake in your previous installation. Maybe for that reason, your download is stuck at 100%.

That’s why the proper installation of Steam is must be needed to solve the downloading issue. Downloading and Installation process of Steam is given below:

  • First of all, open any browser you already installed on your computer and then “” visit this official website of Steam.
  • Next, at the top of the website there is an Install Steam button, click on it.
  • Then, click Install Steam Now.
  • Then, click on Run or you can save it wherever you want.
  • Then, click on Yes.
  • Then, click on Next.
  • Then, select your language and click Next.
  • Then, select a folder to install Steam on it and click Install.
  • Then, click on finish. It will take some time to install, so wait and keep patients.
  • Then, click on CREATE NEW ACCOUNT, if you have an account already then click on LOGIN TO AN EXISTING ACCOUNT.

New Account:

  • For a new account provide all information like your email account, your country of residence, and the characters then click on the tick mark to accept their terms and condition and click continue.
  • Then, open your email account, you will receive an email to create your account.
  • Then, provide the username and password and click on Complete Signup.
  • Then, click continue. It will redirect you to the login panel.
  • Then, simply login to your account with the help of your account name and password.

Existing Account:

  • For an existing account, simply login to your account with the help of your account name and password.

After following everything mentioned above, carefully reinstall Steam, to get your solution.

Disable system security

If you have installed any anti-virus, it scans your computer to find out the junk files or threats. Sometimes it identified the game file as a threat to your system and blocked the rest of downloading.

In your case, the same thing may happen. So before downloading Dota 2 temporarily disable your system’s anti-virus. It may solve your downloading issue.

Solve network issue

If you are connected to an ISP network, you may be a victim of data throttling. It’s a money-saving technique often used by the ISP provider. Fix this issue by contacting your ISP provider. Or you may connect to a different network to solve the network issue.

Optimistically, it will help you to download Dota 2 successfully.

Uninstall and Reinstall the Dota 2

Sometimes for files missing, the game behaves so strangely. If the above solutions can not help you to solve your problem then uninstall Dota 2. After that, reinstall it. Maybe there was a file missing from the previous installation.

That’s why the proper installation of the game is must be needed to solve the downloading issue. Downloading and Installation process of Steam is given below:

  • First of all, open Steam.
  • Then, type Dota 2 in the search box.
  • Then, click on Dota 2 from the search list.
  • Then, click on Play Now.
  • Then, click Next.
  • After that, click finish. Downloading time will depend on your internet speed.
  • Finally, enjoy the game.

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Final Thoughts

Dota 2 is one of the foremost popular games. Every day millions of players play this game. Games strategy makes the game more interesting. This is why many people download this game to enjoy the fun of the game.

But for those who have faced problems in downloading, I hope they will not have any more problems after reading this article. Even if you have anything else to know, feel free to ask in the comments, we will look after the issue!



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