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A common misconception among antivirus users is whether Malwarebytes and Norton compatible or not. No worries.

It’s hard to find someone who isn’t currently familiar with the term internet. Can you imagine a day or a week without the internet? Yes, the internet has become so ingrained in our lives that there is no alternative.

The internet is an amazing place, but it also has many dangers that can harm us in many ways.  As the number of internet users is increasing day by day, so does the threat of ransomware, malware, and many more viruses.

There are many types of software to protect against this threat, among them, Norton and Malwarebytes are the two most effective and popular antivirus software. These are so popular antivirus software that everyone is confused as to which one to use.

In this article, I will describe, which antivirus software should you choose, Malwarebytes or Norton? I will also describe other relevant things so that you can understand for yourself how this software protects you from viruses.

Malwarebytes and Norton compatible or not

Malwarebytes and Norton are two of the best antivirus software. These two software are almost identical in terms of functionality. It’s very difficult If you want to make a percentage overall, but Norton and Malwarebytes will be 95% by 100% depending on the different features.

So if you know the details about Norton and Malwarebytes, it will be helpful for you to know which one is better for you to use, rather than directly distinguishing between the two. Below I am going to discuss in detail step by step various issues about Malware bytes and Norton.

What is Malwarebytes?

Malwarebytes is an American-based firm. It was formerly known as Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, an antivirus software created by Malwarebytes Corporation. It’s designed for chrome, iOS, Mac, Windows, and android that detects and removes dangerous viruses. 

It has a free version, which is able to instantly scan and remove installed viruses. Its first and foremost task is to scan, detect, and remove malicious software, such as spyware and adware.

The program is designed in such a way that it not only eliminates the threat of viruses due to system infections but also provides a picture and sound-based warning that can instantly attract the user.

This software is available in two versions:

● Premium version
● Free version

Free version software needs to be run manually by the user whenever they feel it is needed. The premium version of the software automatically scans, detects, and removes malicious threats to the system. It can also do scheduled scans.

Norton offers very good benefits in phishing, it prevents phishing attacks because it can access system person information such as usernames and passwords. It also protects the system from any infections threats as well as websites.

Norton has upgraded its software to this day so that any new threats identified can be easily detected and isolated from the system.

Malwarebytes is an American-based firm. It was formerly known as Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, an antivirus software created by Malwarebytes Corporation. It’s designed for chrome, iOS, Mac, Windows, and android that detects and removes dangerous viruses. 

It has a free version, which is able to instantly scan and remove installed viruses. Its first and foremost task is to scan, detect, and remove malicious software, such as spyware and adware.

The program is designed in such a way that it not only eliminates the threat of viruses due to system infections but also provides a picture and sound-based warning that can instantly attract the user.

This software is available in two versions:

● Premium version
● Free version

Free version software needs to be run manually by the user whenever they feel it is needed. The premium version of the software automatically scans, detects, and removes malicious threats to the system. It can also do scheduled scans.

Norton offers very good benefits in phishing, it prevents phishing attacks because it can access system person information such as usernames and passwords. It also protects the system from any infections threats as well as websites.

Norton has upgraded its software to this day so that any new threats identified can be easily detected and isolated from the system.

Malwarebytes and Norton both are very popular and widely used software. There is little difference between these two software, that’s why users want to know if they are compatible. Below I have briefly shown the step-by-step Malwarebytes and Norton compatible or not.

● User Interface

Both are similar in terms of the user interface, Because both have very simple and straightforward interfaces, are easily accessible, and hassle-free on navigation.

● Performance

Both antivirus solutions provide protection without compromising the performance of your system. Both companies do lots of research and updates regularly so that there is no shortage of performance.

● Features

Norton Antivirus optimizes product security and privacy enhancement features. The impressive list of features includes identity theft and parental control. Malwarebytes, meanwhile, is able to offer somewhat fewer benefits, as it only provides protection with limited features

● Compatibility

Malwarebytes and Norton antivirus software are cross-platforms that are compatible with Mac, iOS, and Windows devices. Malare is also able to work alongside other antivirus products but Norton can’t.

● Malware protection

Both Malwarebytes and Norton software are able to protect against malware viruses in many perfect ways. But Norton offers extra benefits in this case, especially providing extensive protection against identity theft.

● Pricing

Both have a free version of antivirus software that offers many benefits. If you need more extra security, you can use the paid version. In this case of the paid version, Norton offers more benefits in less money. Below is a list of the year-based pricing systems of these two software.


Basic  $19.99 


One Year for one computer 


One Year for two computers


One Year for three computers


One Year for four computers 


One Year for five computers


One Year for six computers


One Year for seven computers


One Year for eight computers


One Year for nine computers 


One Year for ten computers 


Two Year for one computer 


Two Year for two computers


Two Year for three computers 


Two Year for four computers 


Two Year for five computers 


Two Year for six computers 


Two Year for seven computers 


Two Year for eight computers 


Two Year for nine computers


Two Year for ten computers



Above I have described everything about Malwarebytes and Norton compatible. If you are in doubt as to which antivirus software is better or which may be perfect for you, then read the article above carefully, I promise you will not have this doubt. 

Malwarebytes still does not like other software  such as Norton.  But the free version will not give you complete security and privacy-enhancing features.

But Norton is complete antivirus software that is capable of providing comprehensive protection against a wide range of threats. As I have said several times above, it’s information privacy is very good. At the same time, Norton gives you great value for money.

Bill Thamas
Bill Thamas is a gaming freak. He is always into different kinds of games. He started his career as a tier 1 PUBG player and won many competitive tournaments. It has been a while since he started writing gaming-related content for Techalrm. His interests in different kinds of games keep him always aware of the updated and upcoming games. As a member of the gamer’s community, he gets the review and bug updates regularly. However, he is a game reviewer himself.

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