New Secret Trick To Unlock An iPhone After Forgetting The Password

New Secret Trick To Unlock An iPhone

Forgetting your own passwords can seem funny. But it often happens with a group of people. They constantly forget passwords within a few days after setting. It is actually a kind of habitual impact. If you are that type, we have a piece of good news for you. There is a new secret trick to unlock an iPhone after forgetting the password.

It is basically a new built-in feature on iOS 15. From now on you can unlock your iPhone or Apple ID with the help of your most trusted friend. A new feature called Account Recovery Contact has been added in the latest iOS update.

It will also help a lot to recover a hacked iPhone. The contact you select for recovery can help to regain your access to the affected phone. Your friend can generate a recovery code for your account. With that code, you can easily set a new password.

How to select a recovery contact?

You can enjoy this facility only if your phone is running on the latest iOS version. The same goes for your recovery contact person. So before starting up, you must check this. Although it’s easy, I am including the path. Check out in settings>general>software update. If you are in iOS 15 or later, you can get to the next level.

✮ Open Settings
✮ Select your Apple ID from top
✮ Scroll down and select Password and Security
✮ Click on Account Recovery
✮ Select Add Recovery Contact

After adding a recovery contact you can send him/her a message informing that you have selected him/her as your recovery contact. This text is editable.

How to recover your account?

When you have a recovery contact and you have forgotten your password, The contact can help to unlock your phone. He/she has to go to the “Password and Security” option following the same way I included above. Then the person can choose Account Recovery.

It will create a recovery code. Using that code you can unlock your iPhone or reset a new password. It won’t take a long time. So you never need to leave a compromised phone back. Previously it was so tuff, especially for iPhones.

Well, Your recovery contact person plays a lead role here. That’s why you have to be very careful about the person you select. That person should be the most loyal to you. This way you can easily unlock your iPhone after forgetting the password.



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