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What Does Delivered Means On The iPhone? You Need To Know

Do you have any confusion about What does delivered means on the iphone? When you send a message from your iPhone to another device, if the message reaches the device without any problem, you will see it delivered. After the message is sent perfectly, the Delivered option can be seen below.

New iPhone users sometimes find many small features very confusing. There is nothing to worry about if this happens to you, as almost all new users have this type of problem. One of the confusing issues for new users is the delivered option which I will explain here.

Since you are here, you are interested to know more about this issue. Stay tuned to this article, I promise you will get a clear idea of everything about this issue.

What Does Delivered Means On The iPhone?

If you want to know what does delivered means on the iPhone, Then you need to know about the read option of the iPhone as well. Both features are important features of the message and one is directly related to the other. Because messages must be Delivered before they can be Read.

However below I will give you a detailed idea about the Delivered and Read feature through some important questions.

What Is The Difference Between Delivered And Read?

There are two things to keep in mind when sending a message on iPhone, they are Delivered and Read options. The difference between the two features is that delivery means the message has reached the device without any interruption and Read means the message has been read.

The message can be delivered as soon as you send it and it can be too late. The “Delivered” option means the message is ready to be read but has not yet been read. Seeing the read option means that the message has been read even if he has not yet replied.

Does Delivered Mean Read On An Iphone?

When you send a message from your iPhone to another Apple device, if the message arrives correctly, you will see the Delivered option at the bottom of your message. Seeing this delivered option means that your message has reached the device and is ready to be read. So hopefully you understand that  Delivered and Read are not the same things.

Why Does My Iphone Only Say Delivered?

iphone message

When sending an iMessage to an iPhone, the Delivered option indicates that the message has been delivered correctly and is ready to be read. After sending the message, if you do not see the delivered option by clicking on the message, then you understand that your message has not been delivered due to any problem.

There are a number of reasons why messages may not be delivered perfectly, some of which are cellular data issues, WiFi issues, phone off or do not disturb mode.

How Can You Tell If You've Been Blocked On Imessage?

It may be that someone has blocked you in iMessage, that’s why you are not getting any response even with a lot of messages. If you still do not understand that you have been blocked, here are some tips, you can follow these to understand if you are blocked.

The easiest way is to wait a long time after you send a lot of messages, to see if the messages have been delivered. If you notice that the message has not been delivered or read, you can assume that you have been blocked. But this process may not always be right.

Call the number and note that once the call is made you are asked to send a voicemail. Try calling a few times like this, if the situation is always the same, then you understand that you have been blocked.

By following these two methods you can be sure that you are blocked. Also, the iPhone does not offer any features directly that can be used to indicate if someone has been blocked.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Delivered Mean Block On Iphone?

The delivered option is used to determine if a message has been delivered. If you click on the message after sending the message to someone if you see the “delivered” option below. Then you know that your message has been sent perfectly. So I hope you understand that blocking has nothing to do with “delivered”.

Will It Say Delivered If You Are Blocked?

If you have already sent him a message, but the messages you are currently sending are not being delivered, you can assume that you have been blocked. Because if you are blocked, your message will not be diverted, and if it is not delivered, it will not be read.

What Is The Difference Between Sent And Delivered?

Message sent and message delivered are two types of message conditions. Sending a message means that the message is perfectly sent from your phone and message delivery means that the message has reached the person to whom you sent the message. 

Why Are Messages Delivered But Not Seen?

It may be that your message has been delivered perfectly after it was sent but is not being viewed. This can happen naturally because the “View” feature will not be turned on until the person you are texting reads your message. The important thing is that you can see if your message has been read by looking at the “Read” option at the bottom of the message.

Final Words


Both iPhone and Android have been occupying the market with a lot of popularity for a long time. Android is used by almost all classes of people,  but the iPhone can be said to be a hobby.

So in most cases, it happens that people switch from Android to iPhone, so everyone needs to know and understand anew about using many features of the iPhone. This is why so many short features and options can become annoying.

Above I discussed what does delivered means on the iphone? This is a little confusing, almost all iPhone users want a clear idea about this. In addition to Delivered, I have described the Read option which is an integral part of it.

Tom Bedfard
Tom Bedfard has been showing her expertise in the smartphone area for a decade. In one sentence, she loves smartphones and other smart gadgets. However, Tom is the leader of Techalrm’s review team. Not a single new device can escape her eyes. Well, our every review unit phone or gadget goes to her hands first. Our audiences love her works. Her honest and detailed review contents make her one of the best smartphone reviewers.

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