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Laptop Screen Won’t Turn On

Laptops are undoubtedly an essential gadget to have with you. Especially if you’re a professional or just a student, you need the device to carry out your tasks, assignments, and schoolwork.

It would help if you ensured that all the laptop components, including the display, worked correctly. It would be a shame if suddenly your Laptop Screen Won’t Turn On.

If such a problem occurs, you’ll notice that your computer will turn on and start running the hard disk and cooling fan. But, unfortunately, nothing will come up on the screen, and it will remain pitch black.

In this article, we discuss why this issue may occur and focus on some of the most common fixes to the problem. Let’s go!

Cause Behind the Problem

Although the problem might hamper all your computer operations, it’s not an uncommon one. Laptop screens may go black owing to several reasons. Some of the most common issues that interfere with the screen of a laptop are:

1. Corrupted or outdated graphics driver

2. Damaged LCD backlight

3. Problem with BIOS

4. Error with a new update of the Operating System

Safety Check

As a safety measure before jumping on to the fixes, you can run a test to check if the issue is actually with the laptop screen.

Simply connect an external monitor to the VGA, DVI, or HDMI port on your laptop and restart the computer. If you see regular display output on the external monitor, you’ll know that your laptop’s other components are working fine.

Also, make sure you keep the display drivers and BIOS drivers updated to the latest version. Always use the official website of your laptop manufacturer to download drivers.

Fixes to the Problem

Laptop Screen Won't Turn On

The Laptop Screen Won’t Turn On issue is utterly familiar among laptop users. You’ll find multiple solutions across the web if you look it up. Here’ we will focus on some of the most common fixes.

We suggest you go sequentially and try out each fix before moving on to the next one. If one fix solves the issue, you don’t need to read further anymore.

Fix 01 – Soft Reset or Restart

This fix will help if you have accidentally disabled your display adapter somehow.

1. Power on the laptop.

2. Let it boot up entirely until the hard drive spinning sound stops.

3. Press and hold the power button for around 10 seconds to force a shutdown.

4. Unplug the power adapter from the laptop.

5. Wait for thirty seconds.

6. Plug the adapter back in.

7. Restart your computer.

Fix 02 – Hard Reset or Restore Factory Settings

A hard reset means restoring your laptop to its initial factory settings. This should resolve any major driver-related issues that might cause the display to malfunction.

This process is risky, and we recommend backing up all your data from the hard disk before proceeding. The procedure for performing a hard reset also varies depending on the manufacturer. So, it’s best to consult the instruction manual for further details.

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Here is a generalized approach to hard reset a laptop.

1. Power up your computer and press the Windows logo key and L together on your keyboard while the boot screen is loading.

2. Hold down the Shift key while you click the Power button once again.

3. Choose “Restart” in the lower-right corner of the screen.

4. Then choose “Troubleshoot,” then Reset this PC,” and finally click “Next.”

5. Wait for the reset to finish, and your PC should automatically restart.

Fix 03 – Memory Module Reset

The display on the screen might also stop showing if a memory module is disconnected on the motherboard. Merely disconnecting and then reconnecting the chip might solve the issue. However, note that this fix is only possible if your laptop has a removable back cover that can be unscrewed.

1. Power off the laptop and remove it from any docking station or AC input.

2. Remove the back cover by carefully twisting the screws on the back.

3. Locate the memory modules.

4. Press on the two latches on both sides to gently let the chip pop up.

5. Wait for a few seconds.

6. Reinsert the chip on the slot by pressing down slightly once again. Make sure that the connector panels are correctly aligned.

7. Replace the back cover and secure it by screwing it shut.

8. Restart your computer.

Laptops can be handy devices to help us in our day to day lives. But it’s also prone to random errors sometimes like the Laptop Screen Won’t Turn On. Luckily, there are easy fixes to the problem.

We suggest following these simple steps to resolve the issue. If, however, this fails to solve it, you should resort to professional servicing. Never tinker around too much with your computer unless you positively know what you’re doing!

Tom Bedfard
Tom Bedfard has been showing her expertise in the smartphone area for a decade. In one sentence, she loves smartphones and other smart gadgets. However, Tom is the leader of Techalrm’s review team. Not a single new device can escape her eyes. Well, our every review unit phone or gadget goes to her hands first. Our audiences love her works. Her honest and detailed review contents make her one of the best smartphone reviewers.

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